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World Art
Children from around the world
share their view of life

by Satpal Singh, New Delhi, India A group of children, ranging in age from 8 to 14, and living in Colombia, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Sierra Leone and Thailand was asked to submit artwork displaying different aspects of their lives. Their drawings, highlighting such things as the foods they eat and different games they play, have been developed into a nationally disseminated teaching unit and art exhibit. The "See Me, Share My World" Gallery displays eight of these drawings and makes available teacher guides and student activities. It can be found on the web at and is sponsored by Childreach Organization.

Childreach is a global development organization that facilitates the sponsorship of children in emerging countries by caring people in the U.S. Communication between sponsors and the children they help overseas is an important part of the Childreach program, as well as a unique forum for exposing American children to the diverse world around them. The "See Me, Share My World" is one project to promote understanding and acceptance in children of all ages.

Spirit in Art is promoting Childreach and the "See Me, Share My World" project by using select pictures from the project for e-cards. You can send one to a friend and share the vision of the world through a child's eyes.

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